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How to Do Whitewater Rafting Trips The Right Way

Planning an unforgettable summer adventure is the goal of every family each year. Those who love the outdoors may opt for hiking, camping, and whitewater rafting adventures. Vacation destinations that include water activities are by far the most popular choices in the United States. This is largely because there are so many different options when it comes to rivers, lakes, and oceans. People can enjoy a relaxing day of reading under the sun or they can take up something more physical like paddle boarding, water skiing, and whitewater rafting.

There are several areas of the country that feature whitewater rapids ranging from level one for beginners up to level five, which is reserved for the most experienced and daring rafters. Those who want a more relaxing riverside view of the land will want to stick with calm days and level one rapids. For people who want something more risky and adventurous to enhance their storytelling may opt for the higher level rapids. Whichever whitewater rapids are chosen, there are a few simple ways to make the trip safer and more memorable. Here is how to get the most out of a whitewater rafting trip.

Prepare Materials and Passengers

Before heading out to the water for a whitewater rafting adventure, it is a good idea to have an itinerary. Plan ahead for what to expect during the day, and then pack according to the outlined itinerary. If a family is planning for a scenic picnic, food and supplies can be left along the riverbank for pickup during the trip or packed securely inside the raft. Watertight containers or plastic bags will protect cellphones, since most passengers will want to take them along for communication and photo opportunities. Life vests are a must for all passengers, and are typically provided as part of a raft rental agreement.

Hire a River Guide

Although a whitewater rafting guide is optional in most areas, they are very useful for several reasons. Obviously, they are available to takeover the steering in case things become unexpectedly rough on the water. It is vital to choose the most appropriate rapid levels based on the average experience of all members of the party. However, even when all precautions have been taken, things do not always go as planned. A river guide is also knowledgeable about the river and surrounding areas and can be a wealth of information including local history, fishing advice, and best opportunities for photographs and picnics.

Have a Contingency Plan

Whether or not the party has chosen to travel with a river guide, it is important to have a contingency plan in case members are separated for any reason. A side trip or hike that takes people away from the river is a great adventure. Having an emergency plan in case members are lost or become ill during the trip will ensure that no one panics. Decide in advance when and where to meet should anything happen, and choose a place that is easily recognizable and near a trail that leads to a populated area.

Whitewater rafting trips are a great way to enjoy family time, sunshine, and nature. In a large majority of trips, there is no reason for concern. Of course, when dealing with nature, it is always best to err on the side of caution. Enjoy the rapids!

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