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Guided River Rafting Trips Aren’t Just for Newbies

It’s hard to beat the rush of adrenaline that suffuses the body as it’s in the middle of a rockin’ adventure. It’s just as hard to beat the smiles of your companions as you clutch each other or the sides of the boat as you shoot over bubbling white rapids. Many of those indulging in these adventures have been there and done that, so guided river trips aren’t just for newbies.

For newbies as well as veterans, the things learned from and the benefits of guided whitewater rafting trips are numerous. There are reasons people from all over the country take such tours, and these are just a few.

It’s A Stress Reliever

People take vacations once or twice per year in order to leave the stress of work, the commute, or other concerns behind. Stress impacts the body, mind, and spirit in various but always unhealthy ways. Making time for fun and adventure is vital to relieving the body of its buildup of stress. Not only that, but fun things produce the “happy” hormones called endorphins. It’s hard to be stressed when you’re happy.

It’s Healthy

It’s no wonder more people don’t climb on treadmills, ride stationary bikes, or pump iron. It’s no fun. It’s been statistically shown that those who get outside for exercise are more fit, because they’re not indulging in boring exercises. How much more fit are those who go on guided river tours? They’re rowing and keeping their balance which works out the entire body, particularly the core. Add fresh air and sunshine to the mix, and you have a healthy and effective workout.

Family Time

With most folks’ noses buried in their smart phones or tablets, it’s difficult to get quality family time. Unplugging and going on a guided river tour gives families a chance to actually look at each other, squeal together, and build memories for a lifetime.

It’s An Education

We go on vacation not simply to relax, but to learn something about the area we’ve chosen to visit. Museums and local sites teach us something we didn’t know before we arrived. On river tours, we have a chance to learn about the geology of the earth, the nature of the wildlife found there, the vegetation, and the history of the peoples inhabiting the area from pre-history up to today. It’s a profound experience knowing that a native people thousands of years ago have seen and experienced the same wildlife, vegetation, and floated over the same frothy white water you’re on now.

The Guides Are Experts

Most guides have done their job for many years and are well versed in local lore. They can tell tour takers stories, facts, and jokes about the area being toured. Some have a talent for narrative while other guides are more the hands-on type who encourages you to touch the vegetation or geological formations he’s describing.

The guides understand the birds and animals in their area. They can tell visitors of the habits and behavior of the wildlife. Lots of tour takers have never seen this wildlife, so learning about them firsthand beats, to many of them, learning about them on TV or YouTube.

It’s A Treat

When was the last time you just plain had fun? When did you last enjoy something so completely that you were suffused with relaxation and joy? Unfortunately, such experiences aren’t numerous enough, and that’s a shame. Newbies as well as veteran river tours takers must return to see us at every opportunity, because you make it fun for us, too.

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