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6 Things Only People Who Have Been on a River Trip Will Understand

From white water rafting to a leisurely fishing trip, spending time on a river can be immensely enjoyable. A few helpful tips and hacks from those who have spent plenty of time out on the water can invaluable for novice sportsman planning their first trip. From packing the right lunch to knowing what to do in an emergency, there are some issues that need to be addressed in order to ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience.

1. Planning is Essential

For those who are already out on the river, turning back is not always an option. Making a checklist of everything needed helps to ensure that a last-minute oversight doesn’t ruin the whole trip. From snacks and towels to a spare boat-key, knowing what to pack for a rafting or boating trip can be crucial.

2. Don’t Forget the Sunscreen

The thought of being so close to the water means that the risk of sun exposure are often forgotten. Spending hours or even days without shade can turn the perfect river trip into a sun-burnt nightmare. Stocking up on sunscreen, hats and anything else needed to provide shade for the trip could make all the difference.

3. Drying Off Counts for a Lot

Canoes, kayaks and other small craft can often be a damp and water-logged environment. While it may not always be possible to provide dry seating, Taking a break and getting out of the boat long enough to dry off can vastly improve comfort. You can’t be dry all the time during a river trip, but having the option can still count for a lot.

4. Location, Location, Location

A boring stretch of river can turn an otherwise enjoyable trip into a snooze. From knowing where to find the fish to determining which stretches of river may be too dangerous to risk, knowing the environment and choosing the best stretch of rive are paramount concerns. Trying to boat, raft or float the wrong stretch of river could lead to no end of problems.

5. Safety Always Comes First

Even strong swimmers may be only a single mistake away from a potential drowning incident or other serious accident or mishap. Help can be a long time coming out on the river and taking steps to keep everyone safe could make a life-saving difference. A simple first-aid kit, plenty of safety gear and whatever resources may be needed are all items that need to be included on the packing itinerary.

6. Shuttle Vehicles and Services

Making it to the end of the trip and then realizing that there is no way to get back upstream is a mistake no rookie will make twice. Parking a shuttle vehicle, finding transportation services or making other arrangements are things that need to be done long before hitting the water. Fallback options or backup communication devices can also come in handy in the event of a problem.

Planning the Perfect Trip

From a simple inner-tube to a two-story houseboat, there is plenty of ways to have fun on the river. Knowing what to plan, what to pack and what mistakes to avoid can help ensure that first-time visitors are able to make the most of their efforts. A little foresight and the time and effort needed to find the right location are often all that is needed in order to plan the perfect trip.

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