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5 Myths Of White Water River Rafting

Thinking about adding white water river rafting to your bucket list but are hesitant because of a few reasons? Here are some debunked facts about the activity that may give you the push that you need.

1. You need to be a fitness buff

You probably think that you need to go to the gym at least every day, drink protein shakes, and have a dresser drawer with nothing but athletic clothes in order to be good at and enjoy white water river rafting. Rafting is for everyone and can be done by even people who are couch potatoes, though it may be a bit more difficult.

In any case, there are always trail guides and easy trails for newcomers or those of you who aren’t athletically inclined.

2. It’s dangerous

You’ll be surprised to know that most rivers are actually quite calm with only a few sections of it being harsh waters. Yes, some rivers are more thrilling than others. So, if you are an adrenaline addict, then you will have to seek those rivers out in particular. If you want to go white water rafting but are still a little apprehensive, get a trail guide. they are trained to travel the trail and know where the most dangerous parts of it are.

3. You’ll have to get acquainted with a bush, not a toilet

Many people think that the whole trip will take a long time and they will either have to hold it in or rekindle their natural instincts in the woods. That’s actually not true for most rafting companies or large groups, especially when the route is along a designated trail. There are bathroom facilities and handwashing stations specifically for rafters and/or campers and hikers.

However, if you aren’t traveling down a designated rafting trail, you will probably have to bring your own toilet paper and do your business the old-fashioned way. Just be sure that you clean up after yourself and don’t litter or you may also get a fine.

If you only need to ‘go number one’, then you could also consider hopping into the river to cool off and to ‘relieve yourself’. Just make sure you have an extra pair of clothes and that the weather won’t make you freeze on account of being wet.

4. You can only do it in the spring

Because these rapids are created by low water levels against boulders, it would make sense that after the ‘Spring showers’ the high water levels would cause the rapids to weaken and slow down. However, it has more of a rollercoaster effect when there are high flows. This means that you can still enjoy those fast rapids. Be careful, though, because higher waters can mean less time to react to obstacles.

5. You’ll either go hungry or have a bland dinner

Many rafting trails have meal packages that can be bought with or separately before heading on the trail that they have secured in the raft. Forget about that bagged lunch or the prepackaged food. Many trails serve fruit, salads, BBQ, fresh juice, and even dessert! Of course, if you want to bring your own home-cooked meal that is also an option since most keep extra food storage space.

This article, Colorado’s top vacation destinations this summer, was written by Ryan Thomas for Rocky Mountain Whitewater Rafting. Rocky Mountain Whitewater Rafting has guided thousands of whitewater rafting trips on Clear Creek and throughout Colorado.

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